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Growth Groups - We are committed to equipping the believers in Christ for the life-long process of pursuing spiritual maturity.  It is inevitable that obstacles to this biblical goal will be experienced and in order to challenge our fellowship in the process we emphasize a minimum of three essential areas through small groups:


1) Walking with God - We strive to enjoy God and the benefits of His freely given salvation in all areas of life.

2) Growing in the Word of God - We seek to understand the Bible as we prayfully approach God's Word with respect, humility, and dependence upon the Holy Spirit.  Developing an awareness of doctrinal error has been a vital ingredient to a life that is pleasing to God throughout each period of church history.  We want to teach the truth and avoid those teachings that are contrary to the Bible.  Classes are offered in Bible study methods.

3) Going to the world - Clearly the message of the good news of Jesus Christ is worth sharing.  While the methods may vary the message does not change.  We want to assist believers in Christ with the methods that work best for them.


Children Ministries - At PBC we love children and want them to know the love of God.  Our Sunday morning classes are designed to introduce them to the Savior and prepare them for lives of joy in growing to love Him with all their hearts.  Each summer we offer a Vacation Bible School [VBS] that any child will enjoy.  The school year calendar brings us more opportunities to minister to kids.  The children of all ages participate in our Missions Project associated with Samaritan's Purse.  Along with the adults, they donate school supplies, hygiene items, and  toys to fill dozens of plastic shoe boxes for other very needy children. 


Student Ministries - The best model of ministry to the youth in any church should involve the parents and church staff in a shared approach.  We see the Christian youth as a vital part of the body of Christ and they are encouraged to participate in learning and serving in a variety of significant ways.  The pastor to our young people is engaged in equipping them to discover and use their spiritual gifts.  They are not the future of the church but are, in fact, a part of the church.  Their activities include study time and prayer time throughout the year.  We have participated in summer camp, VBS, and plan to take a mission trip to meet the needs of others in the coming year.


Adult Men and Women Ministries - At various times throughout the month the ladies of the church come together for prayer.  Both men and ladies groups enjoy Bible study and fellowship in numerous ways.  Check our church calendar on this website for more information.  Men's breakfasts, Ladies' "Tables of Grace", Women on Mission, Marriage Enrichment Seminars and retreats all help to provide the education, fellowship and fun we all want & need.


Crisis Pregnancy Counseling and Support - When we say we love children we include the unborn in that group.  We are fortunate to have an excellent ministry in our area that is designed to address many of the unique needs of pregnancy.  Contact us for more information on how you can receive assistance or possibly to volunteer!  Training can be provided.


Prison Ministry and Family Care - While our prison ministry involves entry into the local state prisons and county jails for the purpose of Bible study, mentoring, and seminars among inmates, we recognize the vital need of families of those incarcerated who may live in our area.  There are over ten thousand inmates within a 40 mile radius of our church and we want to ensure that there is a visible presence of the love of Christ and His saving grace by our ministry team to them.  Our ministry team seeks to make disciples in the prisons.


International Missions - Through the Southern Baptist Convention Cooperative Program.

Providence baptist church

6940 Providence Church Road

Grand Ridge, FL  32442


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