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The Stopover House

Please remember to pray


Stop Over House: Battered Women’s & Children’s Emergency Shelter of Abundant Grace Ministries


The Stop Over House is a safe and secure place offering hope, love, rest, and counsel with a temporary “shelter in a time of storm” (Isaiah 4:6).


The client must be willing to:

Make a police report with a case number

Comply and sign the shelter guidelines

Attend counseling sessions

Refrain from tobacco, alcohol, and/or illegal drugs


They may be reached at:

Coba or Becky Beasley

P.O. Box 443

Grand Ridge, FL  32442

Providence baptist church

6940 Providence Church Road

Grand Ridge, FL  32442


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Thank you for contacting us. A staff member or someone who may be of assistance to you will contact you as quickly as possible. Be blessed and remember God is in charge and He loves you.

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